update: 收货补单 出货补单接口对接

This commit is contained in:
admin 2024-03-12 16:44:37 +08:00
parent 136f99b639
commit 4f40642986
5 changed files with 265 additions and 92 deletions

View File

@ -33,7 +33,7 @@
<template #suffix>
<text v-if="item.key === 'subtractNum'">
{{ model1.order.subtractType === 1 ? item.unit : "%" }}
{{ model1.order.buttonType === 1 ? item.unit : "%" }}
<text v-else>
{{ item.unit }}
@ -75,15 +75,15 @@
@cancel="contrlModalParams.isShowSplTime = false"
<block v-for="(item, index) in formAttrList" :key="index">
<!-- <u-action-sheet
v-if="item.type === 'select'"
v-if="item.type === 'select' && item.key !== 'repairTime'"
@select="(v: any) => handleSelect(item.childKey, v)"
@close="contrlModalParams[item.childKey].isShow = false"
></u-action-sheet> -->
<view class="btn-box">
@ -91,12 +91,14 @@
<script setup lang="ts">
import { PictureApi, ReceiveApi } from "@/services";
import { DeviceApi, PictureApi, ProfileApi, ReceiveApi, ReceiveProductApi } from "@/services";
import { formatDate } from "@/utils";
import { ImagesType, OrderType } from "@/utils/enum";
import { DeviceType, ImagesType, OrderType } from "@/utils/enum";
import _ from "underscore";
const model1 = reactive<any>({
order: {
buttonType: 0,
fileList: [],
splTime: "",
subtractType: 1,
@ -122,14 +124,7 @@ const contrlModalParams = reactive<any>({
device: {
isShow: false,
title: "标题",
selectList: [
name: "选项一",
name: "选项二",
list: [],
user: {
isShow: false,
@ -143,7 +138,7 @@ const contrlModalParams = reactive<any>({
const formAttrList = reactive([
const formAttrList = reactive<any>([
name: "补单时间",
key: "repairTime",
@ -162,8 +157,8 @@ const formAttrList = reactive([
required: true,
unit: "",
fn: () => {
contrlModalParams.select.isShow = true;
contrlModalParams.select.title = "站点磅秤";
contrlModalParams.device.isShow = true;
contrlModalParams.device.title = "站点磅秤";
@ -174,8 +169,8 @@ const formAttrList = reactive([
required: true,
unit: "",
fn: () => {
contrlModalParams.select.isShow = true;
contrlModalParams.select.title = "供应商";
contrlModalParams.user.isShow = true;
contrlModalParams.user.title = "供应商";
@ -192,8 +187,8 @@ const formAttrList = reactive([
required: true,
unit: "",
fn: () => {
contrlModalParams.select.isShow = true;
contrlModalParams.select.title = "收货产品";
contrlModalParams.product.isShow = true;
contrlModalParams.product.title = "收货产品";
@ -280,20 +275,64 @@ const handleUpload = () => {
const handleSelect = (key: string, v: any) => {
contrlModalParams[key].isShow = false;
if (key === "user") {
model1.order.userName = v.name;
model1.order.userId = v.id;
} else if (key === "product") {
model1.order.productName = v.name;
model1.order.productId = v.id;
} else if (key === "device") {
model1.order.deviceName = v.name;
model1.order.deviceId = v.id;
ProfileApi.getUserList({ userType: 2 }).then((res) => {
if (res.code === 200) {
contrlModalParams.user.list = res.data;
ReceiveProductApi.getAllReProducts().then((res) => {
if (res.code === 200) {
contrlModalParams.product.list = _.map(
res.data as any,
function (item: any) {
return { name: item.reProductsName, ...item };
DeviceApi.getDeviceList({deviceType: DeviceType.Weighbridge}).then(res => {
if (res.code === 200) {
contrlModalParams.device.list = _.map(
res.data as any,
function (item: any) {
return { name: item.deviceName, ...item };
const save = () => {
Promise.all(handleUpload()).then((res) => {
if (res.length > 0) {
PictureApi.addListAnnex({ annexPos: res }).then((res1) => {
if (res1.code === 200) {
title: "图片资源上传成功",
icon: "success",
// Promise.all(handleUpload()).then((res) => {
// //
// if (res.length > 0) {
// PictureApi.addListAnnex({ annexPos: res }).then((res1) => {
// if (res1.code === 200) {
// uni.showToast({
// title: "",
// icon: "success",
// });
// }
// });
// }
// });
if (model1.order.buttonType === 0) {
model1.order.buckleMiscellaneous = model1.order.subtractNum;
} else if (model1.order.buttonType === 1) {
@ -301,9 +340,10 @@ const save = () => {
ReceiveApi.addOrderIn(model1.order).then((res) => {
if (res.code === 200) {
url: "/pages/index/index", //
model1.order.id = (res.data as any).id
// uni.navigateTo({
// url: "/pages/index/index", //
// });

View File

@ -33,32 +33,34 @@
<template #suffix>
<text v-if="item.key === 'subtractNum'">
{{ model1.order.subtractType === 1 ? item.unit : "%" }}
{{ model1.order.buttonType === 1 ? item.unit : "%" }}
<text v-else>
{{ item.unit }}
<!-- @afterRead="afterRead"
@delete="deletePic" -->
v-if="item.type === 'upload'"
v-if="item.type === 'radio'"
v-model="(model1.order as any)[item.key]"
<u-radio activeColor="#00DCEE" label="送货" :name="1"></u-radio>
<u-radio activeColor="#00DCEE" label="按固定重量" :name="1"></u-radio>
<u-radio activeColor="#00DCEE" label="自提" :name="2"></u-radio>
<u-radio activeColor="#00DCEE" label="按百分比" :name="2"></u-radio>
<template #right v-if="item.type === 'select'">
<u-icon name="arrow-right"></u-icon>
@ -69,26 +71,37 @@
@confirm="contrlModalParams.isShowSplTime = false"
@confirm="(v: any) => {handleTime(v)}"
@cancel="contrlModalParams.isShowSplTime = false"
@select="contrlModalParams.select.isShow = false"
@close="contrlModalParams.select.isShow = false"
<block v-for="(item, index) in formAttrList" :key="index">
v-if="item.type === 'select' && item.key !== 'repairTime'"
@select="(v: any) => handleSelect(item.childKey, v)"
@close="contrlModalParams[item.childKey].isShow = false"
<view class="btn-box">
<u-button type="primary" text="保存"></u-button>
<u-button type="primary" text="保存" @click="save()"></u-button>
<script setup lang="ts">
const model1 = reactive({
import { DeviceApi, GoodsApi, PictureApi, ProfileApi, ReceiveApi, ReceiveProductApi, ShipmentApi } from "@/services";
import { formatDate } from "@/utils";
import { DeviceType, ImagesType, OrderType } from "@/utils/enum";
import _ from "underscore";
const model1 = reactive<any>({
order: {
buttonType: 0,
fileList: [],
splTime: "",
takeType: 1,
subtractType: 1,
const rules = ref({
@ -105,70 +118,76 @@ const rules = ref({
trigger: ["blur", "change"],
const contrlModalParams = reactive({
const contrlModalParams = reactive<any>({
isShowSplTime: false,
spltime: "",
select: {
device: {
isShow: false,
title: "标题",
selectList: [
name: "选项一",
name: "选项二",
list: [],
user: {
isShow: false,
title: "标题",
list: [],
product: {
isShow: false,
title: "标题",
list: [],
const formAttrList = reactive([
const formAttrList = reactive<any>([
name: "补单时间",
key: "splTime",
key: "repairTime",
type: "select",
required: true,
unit: "",
required: true,
fn: () => {
contrlModalParams.isShowSplTime = true;
name: "过磅设备",
key: "weighDevice",
key: "deviceName",
type: "select",
childKey: 'device',
required: true,
unit: "",
fn: () => {
contrlModalParams.select.isShow = true;
contrlModalParams.select.title = "站点磅秤";
contrlModalParams.device.isShow = true;
contrlModalParams.device.title = "站点磅秤";
name: "客户",
key: "customer",
key: "userName",
type: "select",
childKey: 'user',
required: true,
unit: "",
fn: () => {
contrlModalParams.select.isShow = true;
contrlModalParams.select.title = "供应商";
contrlModalParams.user.isShow = true;
contrlModalParams.user.title = "供应商";
name: "出货产品",
key: "shipmentProduct",
key: "productName",
type: "select",
childKey: 'product',
required: true,
unit: "",
fn: () => {
contrlModalParams.select.isShow = true;
contrlModalParams.select.title = "收货产品";
contrlModalParams.product.isShow = true;
contrlModalParams.product.title = "收货产品";
name: "数量",
key: "grossWeight",
key: "number",
type: "input",
required: true,
unit: "件",
@ -191,13 +210,25 @@ const formAttrList = reactive([
name: "净重",
key: "netWeight",
type: "input",
required: true,
unit: "KG",
name: "提货方式",
key: "takeType",
required: true,
key: "deliveryMethod",
type: "radio",
required: true,
unit: "",
child: [
id: 0,
name: "送货",
id: 1,
name: "自提",
name: "车辆信息",
@ -205,7 +236,7 @@ const formAttrList = reactive([
name: "车牌号",
key: "carNo",
key: "carNumber",
type: "input",
unit: "",
@ -221,27 +252,124 @@ const formAttrList = reactive([
name: "箱号",
key: "boxNo",
key: "box",
type: "input",
unit: "",
name: "封号",
key: "no",
key: "title",
type: "input",
unit: "",
name: "备注",
key: "remark",
key: "notes",
type: "textarea",
name: "上传照片",
name: "货品照片",
key: "photo",
type: "upload",
const filesRef = ref();
const handleUpload = () => {
// console.log(event.tempFilePaths)
const list = filesRef.value[0].filesList;
return list.map((item: any) => {
return new Promise((resolve) => {
files: item,
path: item.path,
}).then((res) => {
if (res.code === 200) {
...(res.data as any),
businessId: (model1.order as any).id,
imagesType: ImagesType.NORMARL, //
orderType: OrderType.Receive, //
const handleSelect = (key: string, v: any) => {
contrlModalParams[key].isShow = false;
if (key === "user") {
model1.order.userName = v.name;
model1.order.userId = v.id;
} else if (key === "product") {
model1.order.productName = v.name;
model1.order.productId = v.id;
} else if (key === "device") {
model1.order.deviceName = v.name;
model1.order.deviceId = v.id;
ProfileApi.getUserList({ userType: 3 }).then((res) => {
if (res.code === 200) {
contrlModalParams.user.list = res.data;
GoodsApi.getShipmentProductList().then((res) => {
if (res.code === 200) {
contrlModalParams.product.list = _.map(
res.data as any,
function (item: any) {
return { name: item.shmProductsName, ...item };
DeviceApi.getDeviceList({deviceType: DeviceType.Weighbridge}).then(res => {
if (res.code === 200) {
contrlModalParams.device.list = _.map(
res.data as any,
function (item: any) {
return { name: item.deviceName, ...item };
const save = () => {
// Promise.all(handleUpload()).then((res) => {
// //
// if (res.length > 0) {
// PictureApi.addListAnnex({ annexPos: res }).then((res1) => {
// if (res1.code === 200) {
// uni.showToast({
// title: "",
// icon: "success",
// });
// }
// });
// }
// });
if (model1.order.buttonType === 0) {
model1.order.buckleMiscellaneous = model1.order.subtractNum;
} else if (model1.order.buttonType === 1) {
model1.order.points = model1.order.subtractNum;
ShipmentApi.addOrderOut(model1.order).then((res) => {
if (res.code === 200) {
model1.order.id = (res.data as any).id
url: "/pages/index/index", //
const handleTime = (v: any) => {
model1.order.repairTime = formatDate(v.value, "{y}-{m}-{d} {h}:{i}:{s}");
contrlModalParams.isShowSplTime = false;
<style lang="scss" scoped>
.c-card {

View File

@ -172,10 +172,9 @@ export const getShipmentProductByPage = (data: any) => {
// 出货产品查询所有
export const getShipmentProductList = (data: any) => {
export const getShipmentProductList = () => {
return http({
method: 'GET',
url: '/api/shmproducts/allShmProducts',

View File

@ -115,6 +115,7 @@ interface Shipment {
settlementNet?: number, // 结算净重
signTime?: string, // 签收时间
paymentMethod?: string; //支付方式0:未支付,1:现金支付2银行卡支付3线上支付微信4支付宝
userType?: number;//用户类型0刷脸1刷卡
[attrName: string]: any;

View File

@ -66,3 +66,8 @@ export enum DeliveryMethod {
Deliver = 0,
SelfPickup = 1
export enum DeviceType {
Printer = 0,
Weighbridge = 1